Friday 26 July 2013


Marking other people's work is tough.

Aside from not wanting to hurt fellow's feelings, the impetus is on giving your compatriot the best feedback you can to make their work better. 

An unfortunate (immediate - and yes, I realise the irony) side-effect is that you can easily see in others' work what is present in your own.

This is two-fold. On one side you can see mistakes in writing, arguments, referencing and the like that you yourself make. On the other side you can see the better parts of your writing not captured by your fellows.

This makes the whole process rather infuriating, as you scream silently to yourself "how did you not see this?!?", while simultaneously slapping yourself for making the same error.

It is repetitive, robotic, annoying and very worthwhile. I can't wait to see where I've been torn apart, to see exactly what other people feel about my output.

But tonight is Friday, and marking aside I've been busy taking care of alternate tasks (PT, Tax) and the whole day has taken it out of me.

I might watch some mindless entertainment (football) and get an early sleep.

The excitement of Honours is unbounded...

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