Monday 5 August 2013


Met the Boss and she liked what I'd put down. Said I was in a good space too.

She gave me absolutely spot on feedback. I write like a funny guy - but not like an academic, not exactly.

We had a laugh because she said the same thing about herself. We both get caught up in cool metaphors or cheeky descriptions, which in turn obscures some of the content.

The thing becomes to strip it back and dry it out. Big time.

Rolling from there, the Boss sent me on a mission to dig up some Media Archaeology (there's a cheeky pun for you) and gave me a few names, all unpronounceable, but full of good things.

Erkki Huhtamo was the first hit, and aside from being a media archaeologist, he has a few things about screens, panoramas and the like that coincide theoretically and historically with my line.

I'm going to spend a bit of reading time this week and re-work my chapters, so I won't go too heavily into the theory until the reading gets done.

Ed, Jason and I met up today too and Ed pointed out a few flaws in my writing that Larissa hit without highlighting - but it was nice to have them made properly open.

The main points of contention were the dual uses of remediation/remediating (which can be remedied through a more thorough analysis of the archaeological material) and there was something else but I don't have it on hand so I'll have to get back to that later too.

For now I really need to dig into something else entirely - food, then sleep.

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