Tuesday 2 April 2013


Today was a proper catch up day.

Slept in.


Bought a hoodie.


Applied for a job.

Applied for funding.

Got back to a host of people.

Ate. A lot.

Cleaned my room.

Updated my tech.

Commented on what I read.

Went for a walk.

Sounds boring, but felt great. Tomorrow is my last day of 'holidays' and I'll be doing similar stuff, tying up loose ends, preparing for the next session of study. But I feel back on top.

I read the Berger excerpt Adrian sent our way, and also the slice from 'The Machine Stops' Neal gave us. Both readings, though hugely disparate, made me reconnect with the Honours course and my own place therein.

Adrian's (as always) was infinitely practical. I really appreciate that he attached the table of contents. I purchased a book on Practical Research but didn't really know how to approach it. While I'm not super clued in on how to go about it, I certainly have a better idea now.

Neal's was more obscure (like always) but made me remember my own position, exactly why I was arguing what I was in the beginning. While I have changed over the last few weeks, irreversibly, it helped me by showing me memory of my corer self. So much has happened in such a short time, it's really important to keep the thread or I might just lose everything.

I also spoke to Ricky, my man over in Hong Kong. I chose between two paths - Honours or teaching in HK - at the start of this year. It turns out they're not mutually exclusive - Rick's happy to take me when I have the time.

So... You're wondering about the Ghost thing, right?

They're everywhere. They're in the past (reconnecting), they're in the present (spreading to thin) and they're in the future (a white man in HK is often referred to as 'gwai lo' - ghost).

Plus it's what I'm listening to right now.

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