Sunday 8 September 2013


So zero proper writing today but a few idea chunks to mull over and put into practice.

Did I tell you I got a desk in the Design Hub? I went and used it last week and just ripped through a thousand words in about two hours, and I'm allowed the space Mondays through Wednesdays.

I'll be in there for the next three days and I'll be working up a storm because I don't really have anymore excuses. Fuck whether I feel like it or not - so long as I can knock out the first draft I know I can just edit it until it's great, and if I can do it by COB Thursday I also have time to apply for PhD's.

Again, not sure if I'll do it next year (or if I'll even be accepted!) but worth the experience. I'll do it at some point for certain, so if some poor schmo decides to offer me money I'll take it. If not, I'll work and write until some poor schmo offers me money!!

I have a lot of other life stuff over the next 8 weeks so I have to be really productive with the time I have. I was contemplating taking a train up to NSW so I could get work done without moving around too much - but that is quite an expensive journey.

Anyway, I have a good direction, some good references and a great space to write. I've planned out my September calender, sorted my bicycle and cleaned out my computer.

Time to stop stalling.

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