Saturday 23 March 2013


I have little to contribute today, except to thank my cohort.

I worked this evening (until 1am) and hosted my brother this morning, so in the way of Uni work I didn't have much time to get anything done. I quickly read the Sarap Reading ("Identity and Difference") that Neal gave us and wrote a little about it.

The discovery of "Otherness" and "viewing the self through the other" isn't very new to me (or to mankind for that matter), but it was nice to see it through fresh eyes.

What was nicer still were the posts Ben and Kim threw my way. Ben was supportive of my writing which was great considering I basically free-wrote (kind of like I do here) the first 300 odd words that came to me. Kim on the other hand reminded me of the late great Augusto Boal and his Forum Theatre.

Now me be me and being tricksy when it comes to words, I had an idea about Forum Theatre, but rather than using the live/co-present forum of Boal I was thinking instead of an Internet forum that bounced ideas around while (perhaps) live actors played them out. Alternately, the option of engaging all participants with streaming video and creating work that way, or even utilising 'Upstage' or the like. Perhaps a combination of all of the above, although I'm kind of leaning towards the middle option at the present.

Then again, it's half past one in the morning, I'm exhausted and I have to do ADR tomorrow at 10am for hour hours then work another 10 hours and I really want sleep and a good meal and sleep and time to study and sleep and a real day off and sleep and coffee and sleep and to do some interviews and beer and to quit this shitty job and sleep and sleep and you get the idea but I promised myself I'd write in here every day once or more times and I can't break a promise like that.

After Easter all will be right again.

Goodnight. And thanks again for the spark of inspiration Kim.

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