Thursday 21 March 2013


Today we smashed our collective heads against the whiteboard, which happened to have a compass point system consisting of Qualitative, Quantitative, Experiential and Observational research methodologies.

After much brain bashing with the aid of a bunch of (photographed) daisies, I came to the conclusion that while big words are fun to use, some concepts are better off simplified:

Quantitative = Counting
Qualitative = Inferring
Experiential = Doing
Observational = Looking

With these definitions in place, it's much easier (for me) to see what's what regarding the compass. Qualitative seemed to be the hardest notion to grasp, but if it's just inference based on either looking or doing, that doesn't bother my brain that much.

It also makes sense of the readings most of us in the program select. We have a nice mix of Lookers and Doers, but not many of us care for Counting. That seems to be relegated to the more scientific studies. We all seem to be pretty keen on guessing, estimating and Inferring and this is where our creative minds seem to be leading.

Anyway, the rest of the class was focussed on a series of tools available to help make our research lives easier. I wrote them all down so that I could view them in my own time, then proceeded to purchase a new computer so that I could make the most of these discoveries.

When it comes to learning tech, I am rubbish at watching someone show me how it's done. Instead, I need to fumble my way around, accidentally discovering great shortcuts and awkwardly deleting data. I NEED TO DO IT MYSELF.

I guess that's the same for most things. I catch concepts pretty quickly, but unless I do things I can't seem to commit them to memory.

Anyway, that's my strategy based on strategising today. Time to see if my new toy is ready to play with.

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