Wednesday 1 May 2013


Man, is the Ethics application a lengthy one.

I thought, maybe 10 pages, not too hard, mostly kind of spelled out already.


What's great about it is, not only do you have to kind of nutshell most of your ideas (note: PhD candidates don't seem to understand word counts prefaced with 'less than'), but in planning out the practicalities of your actual project, you start to get a better feel for what you're required to do - and how best to action it!

While filling it out, I realised that if I choose to, I can make a work, and that work will give me people to interview on all sides as well as give me a vehicle for experimentation. Not saying I'll take that path, but now I know it exists I have, not a fallback, but another potential avenue.

What I'm really trying to do is find a local (not necessarily, but much more practical) group doing the same thing I am, so that I can be fly on the wall (a la David Savran and The Wooster Group), or better yet, a guy with a foot on each side of the fence.

I also stumbled across a few interesting characters, and one in particular has appeared in a whole host of unlikely places I've also been checking out. His name is Geert Lovink and he is all over the place.

I might need to get in touch, but I'm not sure of the ethics involved.

Oh dear.

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